
The power of boundaries in dance education

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Thursday, 02-24 14:00
ByDino Spiri

The power of boundaries in dance education

by Ilse Ghekiere

for teachers

In 2017, Ilse Ghekiere began collecting testimonies given by dancers concerning the many-layered mechanisms of sexism within their profession. This research led to the beginning of Engagement Arts, an artist-led movement tackling sexism, sexual harassment, and abuse of power in the Belgian arts field. Since then, Ghekiere has been involved in several projects that looked at these challenges in art education. 

How do we know our limits when faced with a professional reality that celebrates unclear boundaries? What is the difference between conflict and abuse? Is consent the key solution? In this workshop, Ghekiere will invite the participants to discuss the relation between transgression and art by listening to the voices of dance students. Together we will make a risk analysis of dance education and share strategies and tools on how to facilitate spaces for learning that foster inclusivity and deeper awareness, while also offering opportunities for exploring artistic boundaries.

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Dino Spiri administrator