
Dancing Utopia in Vulnerable Times

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ByDino Spiri

Dancing Utopia in Vulnerable Times

by Diana Thielen

As dancers, we are confronted with all sorts of views on health, aesthetics and functionality. In this workshop we will learn to challenge these norms together and to reflect on them in their social and political context. We will take the time to answer questions we can often not address in training: what do ‘empowerment’ and ‘agency’ mean? Can we create a space that encompasses intimate, biographical issues such as the body, identity, gender and sexuality? Can we create a utopia where we can discover vulnerability, empathy and consensus? A space that invites questions, doubts and experiences in order to find joy in intersecting, connecting and conflicting realities.

This workshop employs contemporary dance techniques and contact improvisation and is accompanied as much by the vocabulary of the Axis Syllabus as by studies of intersectional (queer) feminism.

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About the author

Dino Spiri administrator