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Foto: Alvaro Rodriguez
ByDino Spiri

johannes wieland

conceived in lisbon and born in berlin, johannes wieland earned his bfa at the amsterdam university of the arts, and worked thereupon in various companies with an extensive array of choreographers. after performing with the béjart ballet lausanne, he relocated to new york city where he received his mfa in contemporary dance and choreography at nyu / tisch school of the arts. while running the company ‘johannes wieland’ in new york, he built from scratch what is now known as the contemporary dance company at the staatstheater of kassel, germany for 15 years, holding positions as a resident choreographer, artistic director and director of the dance department.

his continued cinematic interest led him to making movies and he continues to create multi-disciplinary work through his berlin company mind eraser/johannes wieland. aside from being commissioned and teaching for companies and universities, his critically acclaimed pieces have been invited to tour internationally to festivals and events. johannes is also directing and curating b12 – the festival for contemporary dance and performance art (www.b12.space), which runs annually in berlin.

he is a 1st prize winner of the kurt jooss prize, and has been awarded numerous other prizes, recognitions, scholarships, and grants. johannes is a nominee for the german theater prize der faust in 2016 for his creation you will be removed. he works on non-categorizing art. (www.minderaser.johanneswieland.org

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ByDino Spiri

Brit Rodemund

Brit Rodemund, educated at the Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin, is a freelance dancer and teacher. In the last two decades she has worked together with various artists, among them Helena Waldmann, William Forsythe and Deborah Hay, and has also been a member of the Dance On Ensemble for two years under the direction of Christopher Roman. Before that she has worked as a soloist with engagements at the Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin, Aalto Ballett Theater Essen and Ballett Nürnberg.

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Foto: Joeri Thiry
ByDino Spiri

Arkadi Zaides

Arkadi Zaides is an Israeli independent choreographer and visual artist of Belorussian origin, currently living in France. In Israel, he performed in several companies such as the Batsheva Dance Company and the Yasmeen Godder Dance Group before embarking on an independent career in 2004. He obtained a master’s degree at the AHK Academy of Theater and Dance in Amsterdam (NL), and currently obtaining his practice-based PhD degree at the UAntwerp and the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (BE) . His performances and installations have been presented in numerous dance and theater festivals, museums, and galleries across Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Over the years he has curated projects such as New Dance Project (2010-2011) with choreographer Anat Danieli, Moves Without Borders (2012-2015), and Violence of Inscriptions (2015-2018) with the scholar, curator, and dramaturge Sandra Noeth. The latter gathered artists, thinkers, and human-rights activists to negotiate the role of the body in producing, maintaining, legitimizing, representing, and aestheticizing structural violence. He is a recipient of numerous prizes, among them a prize for demonstrating engagement in human-rights issues, awarded to Zaides by The Emile Zola Chair for Interdisciplinary Human Rights Dialogue (IL).

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Foto: Sarah Berger
ByDino Spiri

Diana Thielen

Diana Thielen is a dancer, performer and blogger, and teaches the methodologies of dance, performance, body politics and yoga. Diana completed her degree at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD) and studies Gender Studies and Educational Science in Berlin. Her work encompasses interdisciplinary perspectives related to her interest in queer theory, intersectional feminism and postcolonial studies, as well as her lived experience as a queer woman*. Diana co-authored the book “Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger- unerhörte Perspektiven auf die vermeintlich natürlichste Sache der Welt” (“Mother’s weren’t the only ones who were pregnant – unheard perspectives on the supposedly most natural thing in the world”, edited by Alisa Tretau) and, along with Florence Freitag, curates the DIY performance series “The Urge to…” in Berlin.

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ByDino Spiri

Ilse Ghekiere

Ilse Ghekiere is an artist, writer and activist. She studied dance at the Antwerp Conservatory and art sciences at the Free University of Brussels. In 2017, she received a scholarship from the Flemish Government to investigate sexism in the Belgian dance field. She is the founder of ENGAGEMENT ARTS, an artists’ movement that tackles sexual harassment, sexism and abuse of power in the Belgian art world. Since then, Ghekiere writes, lectures and gives workshops on these topics. She has also worked as a consultant and researcher in art organisation and education.

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Foto: Anja Jahn
ByDino Spiri

Allison Brown

Allison Brown is Professor of Classical Ballet for Contemporary Dancers at the Center for Contemporary Dance at the Academy for Music and Dance in Cologne. From 2010 to 2019 she was on faculty at the University for Musik and Performing Arts in Frankfurt.  An important focus of her teaching is trying to work on a daily basis towards the development and advocation of anti-competitive, democratic frameworks and formats welcoming diverse bodies and artistic practices. Strength training and sports science are additional areas of concentration in her work with young dancers. Allison danced with the New York City Ballet, Twyla Tharp and Dancers, Amanda Miller’s Pretty Ugly Dance Company and Saburo Teshigawara’s Karas Company. From 1996 to 2004 she was a member of William Forsythe’s Ballet Frankfurt.

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ByDino Spiri

Asja Mahgoub

Asja Mahgoub lives and works in Fankfurt as an theater maker, performance artist and mediator. She studied arabic language and culture, as well as piece- and conflict studies in Marburg and Cairo and applied theatre studies in Gießen. She finished her training  to become a mediator at IWS in 2016 and supportet Juliane Ade in another training programme at boscop Berlin. Since then she works mostly with groups and collectives on conflict resolutions, workshops on conflict-awarenes and as a moderator for a wide range of group processes.

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Foto: Ralf Hiemisch
ByDino Spiri

Dino Spiri

Dino Spiri works as a production manager with Sasha Waltz & Guests, Martin Nachbar, The Shakespeare Company Berlin, Tanzkongress Hannover (WILSON*BORLES Arts Management), Biennale Tanzausbildung (Konrad Ekhof GmbH/ Buero Boragno), Performing RomArchive Festival (sauerbrey | raabe gUG), FELD Theater für junges Publikum, Dan Armon, Britta Wirthmüller, Joerg Hassmann and Hanna Hegenscheidt.

He is since November 2020 in charge of the organizational management for the Biennale Tanzausbildung.

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Foto: Andreas Tobias
ByPeter Boragno

Peter Boragno

Peter Boragno is a graduate in business administration and has worked in cultural management since 1995. His clients include the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, the Federal Cultural Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Goehte Institute. From 2010 onwards he accompanied the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz and headed the office for the Biennale Tanzausbildng. Since January 2020, he has taken over the management of the Europäische Theaterakademie GmbH “Konrad Ekhof” Hamburg and is in charge of the Bundeswettbewerb deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierender and the Bundeswettbewerb Biennale Tanzausbildung.

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