
Diana Thielen

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Foto: Sarah Berger
ByDino Spiri

Diana Thielen

Diana Thielen is a dancer, performer and blogger, and teaches the methodologies of dance, performance, body politics and yoga. Diana completed her degree at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD) and studies Gender Studies and Educational Science in Berlin. Her work encompasses interdisciplinary perspectives related to her interest in queer theory, intersectional feminism and postcolonial studies, as well as her lived experience as a queer woman*. Diana co-authored the book “Nicht nur MĂĽtter waren schwanger- unerhörte Perspektiven auf die vermeintlich natĂĽrlichste Sache der Welt” (“Mother’s weren’t the only ones who were pregnant – unheard perspectives on the supposedly most natural thing in the world”, edited by Alisa Tretau) and, along with Florence Freitag, curates the DIY performance series “The Urge to…” in Berlin.

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Dino Spiri administrator