
Author Archive Dino Spiri

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Foto: Roman Nowitzki
ByDino Spiri


Founded by choreographer John Cranko in 1971, the school became one of the first internationally esteemed centres for young dancers under the leadership of Anne Woolliams. One of the most renowned ballet schools in the world, the John Cranko School is affiliated with the Stuttgart Ballet and has been under the direction of Tadeusz Matacz since 1999. Its principal focus is on the classical Vaganova technique and on studying classical variations, while further subjects, including Modern, Improvisation and Spanish Dance, round off the training. Notable choreographers are regularly brought in to create their own works in cooperation with the school. From the age of ten, students from all over the world can stay at the boarding school and attend a state school. Training at the academy takes two years and ends with a state-approved qualification as a dancer.

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Foto: Jesse Johnson
ByDino Spiri

Dieter Heitkamp

Since 2001 professorship for contemporary dance at the HfMDK Frankfurt am Main. He is the director of the dance department. His artistic work is characterized by consistent movement research that examines communication possibilities in / about / through dance in the context of the social and societal environment. In doing so, he combines theoretical aspects with physical practice, writing with choreography and creates image-, sound-, possibility-spaces.

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ByDino Spiri

Pilar Murube

Pilar Murube was born in Seville, Spain, and completed her ballet training at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart before moving in a contemporary direction as a dancer with Marco Santi. She is a freelance dancer, assistant and choreographer, and has worked for companies including the Marco Santi Dance Ensemble, the Nina Kurzeja Company and Co-Laps. Since 2014 she has worked primarily as a teacher of classical ballet and contemporary dance for children, adults and professional and amateur dancers.

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Foto: Sonja Werner / ZZT
ByDino Spiri


The Zentrum für Zeitgenössischen Tanz / Centre for Contemporary Dance in Cologne sees its direction as fundamentally interdisciplinary and would like to set clear impulses for artistic and practice-oriented research. The concept of the study programs (BA, MA and PhD) are based on an innovative interaction between the three disciplines dance, dance studies and communication of dance.

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Staatliche Ballett- und Artistikschule Berlin
ByDino Spiri


“Preserve tradition, dare to do new things.” (Gregor Seyffert)
The Staatliche Ballett- und Artistikschule Berlin offers a unique outstanding stage dance education. Selected top talents from all parts of the world are prepared to have an international career. They master the style and virtuosity of classic/romantic ballet as well as the most innovative and expressive new creations of contemporary dance. With their evening-length performances on opera stages in Berlin and other cities, the school has gained a distinctive reputation as the largest and simultaneously youngest ballet company in Germany.

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Foto: Thomas Plischke
ByDino Spiri


The close connection between academic education and artistic practice characterizes the three study programs at HZT Berlin (Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin). The programs offer an experimental approach to study and nurture a critical reflection of art and art practice. Focus is placed on creatively and critically addressing what dance, performance and choreography are, and can be, as artforms in today’s social and cultural environments.

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ByDino Spiri


The objective of the BAtanz is the education and individual advancement of creative, expressive dance personalities who have a broad spectrum in ballet technique but also in the contemporary field and can implement their qualities in a sovereign way. They have developed abilities to creatively support artistic work processes and are able to reflect on themselves and the artform of dance in an interdisciplinary, historical and societal context.

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Foto: Ursula Kaufmann
ByDino Spiri


The Folkwang Universität der Künste has been educating international dancers since 1927. Many important personalities are connected to this university, among them some that are world famous, such as the Folkwang co-founder Kurt Jooss or his student Pina Bausch. This dance education program sees itself as interdisciplinary, tied to traditions and active in many directions. Working with guest choreographers plays an important role.

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