
Hannah Shakti Bühler

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ByDino Spiri

Hannah Shakti Bühler

Hannah Shakti Bühler teaches contemporary dance and somatic practices at the BAdance at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main. She first studied at Laban Trinity College in London, obtaining her BA(Hons) Dance Theatre in 2006. Her performance practice has then led to work with several companies in UK, Belgium, Spain and Holland. As choreographic assistant she worked between others with Iván Pérez at Korzo Theatre in Den Haag, with Anouk Van Dijk and Falk Richter at Schauspiel Frankfurt and at Opera de Lausanne with Cisco Aznar. In 2015 she graduated from MACoDE (Master in Contemporary Dance Education) at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main. In the same year she co-founds Hicks&Bühler, a choreographic collaboration with Laura Hicks. Their work has been presented between others at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Hessische Theatertage, Tanzfestival Rhein Main.

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Dino Spiri administrator