
Category Archive Symposion

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Friday, 02-25 11:30
ByDino Spiri

SYMPOSIUM “Come Together? A sympoiesis of theory and practice”

curated by Eylül Fidan Akıncı

As the entire world is getting back to or searching for a renewed sense of collectivity, we in the dance world are asking how we can reconnect our bodies, motions, and expressions in an equitable way. What does “togetherness” mean today, especially for our craft that involves multiple collaborators, stages, audiences? We invite you to reflect on and discuss around the themes of the biennale “Encounter, Solidarity, Sustainability”. In this symposium we will bridge theory and practice by bringing together trailblazing artists and researchers in our field to highlight the concerns of dance and performance today:

1) How do we carry on together? Expanding the “canon” and de-colonial encounters,
2) How do we work together? Sustainable co-laborations in dance,
3) How do we live together? Choreographies of non-human solidarity.

After the presentations, provocations, and discussions by Dr. Sevi Bayraktar, Jee-Ae Lim, Ilse Ghekiere, Diana Thielen, and Eiko Otake, the panels will culminate in conversations and activations between the students and the presenters. The symposium will close off with the participatory performance Choreographic Games by Laurent Pichaud and RĂ©my Heritier.

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