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ByDino Spiri

Jean-Hugues Assohoto

Jean-Hugues was born in Avignon (France) and completed his dance training at the conservatory there. He developed and honed his Modern Dance technique while working with the choreographer Anne-Marie Porras in Montpellier. He completed his diplôme d’état in 1993, was an assistant to Anne-Marie Porras and taught at her school, Epsedanse. As an instructor, choreographer and dancer, Jean-Hugues Assohoto is in high demand and has taught all over the world, including in France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, the Caribbean, Africa and Israel. In 1999 he became a dancer at the Nationaltheater Mannheim, where he worked with choreographers including Philipp Talard, Bruno Jacquin, Jeanne Renshaw, Marc McClain and Antonio Gomez. He then danced for the Dance Theatre Heidelberg under the supervision of Irina Paul. He also worked as a freelance choreographer and managed a range of projects for the HD/MA Theatre and the Choré-Ame Dance Company. He currently teaches Contemporary Dance at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts and at the State Ballet School of Berlin [Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin].

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ByDino Spiri

Anna Beke

Anna Beke | M.A. Theatre Science, degree in stage dance | Teacher at the Ballet Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich [Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, HMTM]; curator of the “Tanzausbildung im Wandel” [“Dance training in flux”] symposium | Expert for the DIS-TANZ-START funding programme of the Federal Association of Dance in Germany | Teacher at the Institute of Theatre Science, LMU Munich, and research assistant to the chair in art education, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU); curator of the “Bauhaus für alle!” [“Bauhaus for everyone!”] exhibition, Jewish Museum of Franconia [Jüdisches Museum Franken] | Dance journalist for tanznetz.de and other publications| Dramaturgy and education assistant at the Bavarian State Ballet [Bayerisches Staatsballett] 

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Foto: Isa par Chris
ByDino Spiri

Isabelle Severs

Isabelle Severs was born in Brussels, Belgium. She graduated from the John-Cranko-Schule in Stuttgart. After first professional experiences with the Stuttgart Ballet, she joined the Ballet of the Deutsche Open in Berlin and the Bavarian State Ballet in Munich. She worked with many different choreographers and danced classical and neo-classical repertoire as well as contemporary pieces. Since September 2015, Isabelle Severs teaches classical ballet at the Ballettakademie der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München. In July 2021 she obtained a Master degree in dance pedagogy at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden.

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ByDino Spiri

Simone Geiger

Simone Geiger teaches since 2010 at the ballet academy at the University of music and performing arts in Munich. Also here she studied 8 years of classical ballet. She worked as a demi soloist at the ballet at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf and at the Bavarian State Ballet in Munich. From 2000 till 2006 she was a member of the Nederlands Dans Theater in the Netherlands. Simone teaches classical ballet, pointework, repertoire (classical and contemporary) and works as a choreographic assistant and balletmaster.

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Foto: Pedro Dias
ByDino Spiri

David Russo

David Russo is a dancer, choreographer and dance instructor. After training at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart he was a solo dancer in Saarbrücken as well as at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, a national theatre in Munich, the city where he lives and works today. Alongside his permanent engagements, since 2004 he has regularly choreographed individual pieces for a range of institutions, including the Birgit Keil Dance Foundation, the Ballet Philippines, the Universal Ballet in Seoul and the Ballett Dortmund. He also organises community evenings with dance professionals and transdisciplinary performances on Munich’s independent scene. Since early September 2010 he has been a teacher at the Ballet Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich [Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, HMTM]. In 2019 he founded the dancer initiative TanzQuelle, a project to build self-confidence and solidarity among Munich-based dance professionals.

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Foto: Diethild Meier
ByDino Spiri

Nik Haffner

Nik Haffner has been artistic director of the Interuniversity Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT) since 2012. As dancer-choreographer he develops projects together with Christina Ciupke and Mart Kangro, among others. Nik Haffner was a dancer with William Forsythe at Ballett Frankfurt 1994 -2000 and worked with Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion on their online score ‘Seven Duets’ as part of MotionBank.org in 2012-13. He is a member of the advisory board for Tanzkongress Deutschland and of the jury for the German Dance Award.

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Foto: Diethild Meier
ByDino Spiri

Britta Wirthmüller

Britta Wirthmüller is achoreographer and dancer. In her work she attends to that which usually remains invisible, e.g. bodies lacking social visibility, the forgotten dances of Jean Weidt (“Physical Encounters”) or the hidden layers of a city’s history in “The Silent Walk“. She holds a position for artistic research and teaching at the HZT Berlin.

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Foto: Paul Leclaire
ByDino Spiri

Sevi Bayraktar

Sevi Bayraktar is Professor of Dance, Music, and Performance in global contexts at the Center for Contemporary Dance of University for Music and Dance Cologne. Sevi has earned her Ph.D. in Culture and Performance from UCLA, and specializes in dance ethnography, politics of heritagization, choreographic research, and intersections of theory and practice. Her recent writings appeared in Dance, Movement & Spiritualities (2018), Performance Philosophy (2019), and Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (2020). Her current book project Dissenting through Dance analyzes a contemporary history of folk dance, gender body politics, and social movements in Turkey.

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Foto: BIBI
ByDino Spiri

Jee-Ae Lim

Jee-Ae Lim studied traditional Korean dance in Seoul and completed her master’s degree in Solo/Dance/Authorship at the HZT Berlin. In 2014 she was voted ‘Hoffnungsträgerin’ (‘Promising Artist’) in the Tanz Magazine Year in Review issue as well as ‘Young Leading Artist 2015’ by Gaeksuk Magazine. Between 2017 and 2020 she received several grants from the Berlin Senate and the Arts Council Korea. Since 2018 she has been teaching and mentoring at the HZT Berlin in the frame of the BA program.

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ByDino Spiri

Myriam Lucas

Myriam Lucas is a dancer and teaching artist from San Diego, California. She began her dancing as a freestyle Hip-Hop artist and has since moved into other urban dance forms and various contemporary movement techniques. She completed a 3 year Teacher Training with Eveoke Dance Theater. In 2018 she completed her BA in Dance, Context and Choreography at HTZ Berlin. Since graduating, she has focused her research on Urban Session spaces. She aspires to document, create dialogue and spread knowledge about the inner workings of Urban Dance culture in artistic and practical ways.

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