
Author Archive Dino Spiri

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ByDino Spiri


The Ballett-Akademie der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München belongs to the leading educational institutions for stage dance. The spectrum of instruction ranges from the lower levels with eight-year old apprentices, the BA programme for dance on up to the Junior Company in cooperation with the Bayerische Staatsoper and the Heinz Bosl-Stiftung. The foundation of the educational program is the Russian Vaganova method, augmented by other pedagogic approaches and modern dance technique. As early as possible, the young dancers gain experience on stage at many appearances. Since 2010, the Ballett-Akademie has been under the direction of Prof. Jan Broeckx, an internationally revered guest dancer, ballet master and dance teacher.

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Foto: Danilo Floreani
ByDino Spiri


The academy is one of the educational institutions for dancers in Germany that has the richest tradition. Its roots reach back into the glorious time of ballet in Mannheim in the 18th century under the Prince elector Carl Theodor. The classic European ballet tradition is the basis for instruction and the point of departure for the classical repertoire as well as for all contemporary dance styles and improvisation. We see our role as a pedagogic team in working with students on the basis of trust while cultivating mutual respect. In order to assure this, international guest teachers are invited on a regular basis, paired with workshops, lectures and master classes with neo-classic and contemporary choreographers. Students are also integrated into a specifically oriented and diverse repertoire in order to receive stage practice. The educational program’s motivation and impulse must be to go beyond one’s own limits and open up new artistic horizons.

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Foto: Nelli Magitov
ByDino Spiri

Dimitri Magitov

Born in Kiev, ballet training in Moscow where he also accepted his first contract as a dancer at the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time he trained as a teacher at the State Academy for Theater Arts. In 1996 he joined the Stuttgart Ballet, where he became a semi-soloist in 2004. He danced in numerous works and also continued his teaching at this time. He has been a teacher at JCS since 2010 and represents them in various competitions as a juror and training manager. 

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Foto: Roman Novitzky
ByDino Spiri

Tadeusz Matacz

Born in Warsaw, began his career at the State Ballet School and also completed a pedagogical exam with Leonid Zhdanov. Until 1984 first soloist at the Great Theater in Warsaw, from where he was engaged directly at the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe. There he already took on educational duties, became a training director and ballet master in many large companies and the Stuttgart Ballet. Juror of major international ballet competitions. Since 1998 he has been director of JCS Stuttgart. 

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Foto: Stephan Glathe
ByDino Spiri

Catarina Mora

born in Berlin, trained at the State University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Seville and Madrid. Dancer in flamenco companies such as “Flamencos en Route”, including founder / producer of the company “Catarina Mora Flamenca” in 1995. In 1999 she co-founded the “Production Center for Dance and Performance”. Initiator of the Stuttgart Flamenco Festival since 2010. Producer of many Flamenco dance theater pieces, guest performance since 1996 nationally and internationally. Since 2006 teacher at JCS Stuttgart. 

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Foto: Roman Novitzky
ByDino Spiri

Maria Eichwald

Born in Kazakhstan, her career began in the national ballet there. In 1993 she was engaged at the Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach and the State Ballet in Munich. After dancing the leading roles in all of Cranko’s great works, she came to the Stuttgart Ballet in 2004, where she supplemented her repertoire with Balanchine, Scholz, Spuck, Neumeier, van Manen and Kylian as 1st soloist. She has been a freelance worker since 2014 and has been a teacher at JCS Stuttgart since 2021.

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ByDino Spiri

Agnès Noltenius

Prof. Agnès Noltenius is the Director of the AdT
Choreographic Assistant at Forsythe Productions
Certified Pilates Trainer

In 1989, after meeting William Forsythe, she joined Ballett Frankfurt to which she remained loyal for over 13 years. As holder of pedagogic dance diploma, she is a regular guest teacher for ballet classical, repertory and “Improvisation Technolgies” of William Forsythe, in universities and ballet companies in Germany, France, Italy, Japan, she is the choreographic assistant of William Forsythe and she was given the responsibility for the realization of some of his pieces. She has worked in the most important dance companies of the world. She is the author of the book of photographs “DETAIL-FORSYTHE” (Éditions Complexe, co-edited by Arte Editions).

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ByDino Spiri

David Hernandez

born in Miami, studied Studio Music & Jazz and Opera at the University of Miami and dance at the New World School of the Arts. He later moved to New York to continue his education at the Trisha Brown Dance Company and went on to work with Meg Stuart. He left New York and followed Meg Stuart to Brussels, where he helped set up ‘Damaged Goods’ in Belgium, spending almost seven years there as a dancer and collaborator. Alongside his own projects, he has performed with lots of artists, including LaborGras, Brice Leroux, Anouk van Dijk and Michel Debrulle. David worked with Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker for a few years on the pieces ‘Zeitung’, ‘Keeping Still’ and ‘D’un soir un jour’, and also danced and sang in the production ‘Cesena’, which premiered at the Avignon Festival in 2011. David teaches classes and workshops across the globe and has held a regular post as an instructor at P.A.R.T.S. – Performing Arts Research and Training Studios since 1995. David creates his own pieces in the organisation dh+, David Hernandez and collaborators. He also realises commissioned projects as a guest choreographer for various companies, including ‘The Devil’s Gardens’ for the Zagreb Dance Company and creations for Susanne Linke’s Company in Trier and the Skanes Dance Company from Sweden. From October 2020 to October 2021, David Hernandez was a guest professor at the Institute for Contemporary Dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, where he created pieces for the Folkwang Dance Studio and the third year of the BA Dance programme.

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Foto: Uwe Ernst
ByDino Spiri

Henrietta Horn

Henrietta Horn is a choreographer, dancer and pedagogue. From 1999-2008 she is – together with Pina Bausch – the artistic director of the Folkwang Tanzstudio. Since 2008 she works as a freelancer. In addition to solo choreographies, she works worldwide as a guest choreographer and teacher, e.g. in London, Damascus, Yaoundé, La Paz, Taipei. She has received several awards for her reconstructions of the works of Mary Wigman. Since 2021, Henrietta Horn is appointed professor of contemporary dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. 

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Foto: privat
ByDino Spiri

Constanze Schellow

Dr. Constanze Schellow is Juniorprofessor for Cultures of Knowledge and Transmission at the Centre for Contemporary Dance at the University for Music and Dance Cologne. Her focus is on interdisciplinary formats dealing with their*stories of body-based and -related cultures and economies of knowledges and practices – dance being one of them. She just completed a research on concepts of ‘theory’ operative in contemporary dance educations in Western Europe. As a dramaturge Constanze collaborated with e.g. Eva Meyer-Keller and Doris Uhlich.

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